News Community Activities

Community is key for Brigid-Mary as she welcomes people into new funeral home

Just weeks after opening, Funeral Arranger Brigid-Mary has been out litter picking the nearby roads with the Wibsey Clean Team, hosted a special Mother’s Day event and held a coffee morning.

She is also considering arranging informative sessions for people about coping with grief and is running an Easter egg hunt with the support of other nearby businesses where youngsters can win themselves some sweet treats.

Brigid-Mary said: “I want to be a real part of the community in Wibsey – I know and love the area because it is so close to where I grew up.

“I’m actively asking people what they want from their local funeral service, and discussing their fears and worries about passing away.

“People are already knocking on the door and sharing their news – good or sad – and are less nervous of coming into a funeral home.”

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